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Dokafli (in Aleste Collection's GG White Micro) credits game information
Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2021 8:42 pm
The recently-released Aleste Collection contains a Master System ROM for the credits, and this contains a not-very-secret game (just press a button to start) where you destroy the credits and try to get a high score. There are various other secrets in it which this thread is about.
Note that there are many spoilers here. Don't read if you don't like spoilers. |
Ending screens
Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2021 9:15 pm
The secret game shows you a screen at the end based on your score. These screens are stored uncompressed in the ROM, contributing a lot to the size of it.
If you get a score under 30,000 points, you get this: If it is between 30,000 and 40,000, you get this: If it is between 40,000 and 70,000 then you get a picture depending on the sum of the thousands and hundreds digits of your score, modulo 10. For example, if your score is 56780 then the sum of the digits 6 and 7 is 13, and you get picture 3. 0: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: Scores between 70,000 and 80,000 get just this one picture: 80,000 to 100,000 and you get one of two pictures, depending on if the hundreds digit is even or odd: Even: Odd: Scores over 100,000 get another two pictures, depending if the tens digit of your score is even or odd: Even: Odd: Transcriptions and translations of the text on these is welcome! |
Secret ciphered messages
Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2021 9:20 pm
The ROM is padded out with lots of extra information. There is a message encoded using off-by-one ASCII:
There is more text that seems to have a more complex cipher with characters switching between 0, -1 and +1 offset which is harder to decode. I'm not including it here. |
A photo
Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2021 9:22 pm
Next we find a JPEG photo of Komabayashi, one of the developers...
Another secret message
Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2021 9:27 pm
Finally we have another textual message. Here I have added some line breaks to make it more readable.
This is it describing how the game has different names; the credits game ship is the one giving bonuses in GG Aleste 3; and specs for the ship. The Chinese text says "the most important thing is fun". |
Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2021 5:13 pm |
Thank you for all this information, didn't know there was so much image to see! Here a little gameplay:
Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 10:56 am |
Thanks Revo for the video!
Some precision: - The game is only inside the Game Gear White Micro, not inside the PS4/Switch Aleste Collection software. - The main name of the game is "DokaFli" (spelling varies), but one of the hidden text blurb above explain is has other names such as "Carry-Kun no mini game". Carry-kun is the power-up carrying ship in GG Aleste 3. I renamed the thread title with some those clarification. And added a simple page for it: https://www.smspower.org/Games/Dokafli-SMS There was a score contest on Japanese twitter, with hashtag #dokafli_score, and the 20 best score won the box for GG Aleste 3. For reference here's the complete ciphered text in ASCII: (pasting here is slightly destructive as some of the bytes are 0x19) IFMMP!LPOCBOIB!YJBP[JF!OJ!IBP!NB/!BTIJOP!NJ[JLBJ!OFDO!IB!BPO.BPO
In hexadecimal: 20 48 4A 40 46 40 19 43 44 52 47 48 53 40 43 44 19 52 58 4E 54 4A 40 2D 19 43 44 47 40 19 4E 53 40 58 4E 51 48 19 46 4E 19 46 4E 52 58 4E 54 4A 40 48 19 48 53 40 52 47 48 4C 40 52 54 2D 19 21 58 21 19 4A 44 4D 19 4D 48 19 4E 52 54 4C 40 48 19 4D 4E 19 4F 4D 19 21 47 48 52 59 40 4C 21 19 52 40 4D 19 4A 40 51 40 19 4D 4E 19 4E 53 40 58 4E 51 48 19 43 44 52 54 2D 19 21 4E 52 54 4D 44 42 4E 19 59 58 4E 54 47 4E 54 2C 4A 58 4E 4A 54 19 4D 4E 19 4C 58 4D 40 52 40 4D 19 4A 4E 4D 41 40 4D 47 40 2D 20 53 4E 53 52 54 59 44 4D 19 43 44 52 54 46 40 19 4C 4E 4D 43 40 48 19 43 44 52 54 2D 19 53 54 51 54 19 53 4E 19 4A 40 4C 44 19 53 4E 19 53 5E 4C 41 4E 19 46 40 19 52 4E 51 44 59 4E 51 44 19 48 53 40 51 48 19 48 4D 40 4A 40 53 53 40 51 48 19 52 47 48 4C 40 52 54 2D 19 40 53 40 4C 40 19 4D 4E 19 4A 40 59 54 19 47 40 19 32 32 4A 4E 2B 19 40 52 47 48 19 4D 4E 19 4A 40 59 54 19 47 40 19 30 29 31 19 47 4E 4D 2B 19 47 40 4D 44 19 4D 4E 19 4C 40 48 52 54 19 47 40 19 35 35 19 4C 40 48 19 43 44 52 54 2D 19 53 54 51 54 53 4E 19 4A 40 4C 44 19 53 4E 19 53 4E 4C 41 4E 4D 4E 19 4A 40 59 54 19 47 40 19 4D 40 4D 43 44 52 58 4E 54 4A 40 3E 21 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 4B 50 42 48 4A 51 41 21 46 41 21 56 41 4C 40 54 54 42 19 48 4A 53 4F 21 47 41 21 21 4F 54 54 4E 45 44 4E 20 5B 58 4F 56 57 4F 56 2C 4B 5A 50 4B 55 23 19 4D 42 43 45 21 4E 54 42 58 4F 51 50 20 57 50 19 4B 56 43 41 54 40 49 2F 19 53 46 4D 43 48 42 4A 55 21 43 45 21 52 4F 54 49 49 4F 40 20 57 50 19 50 51 44 53 46 4F 54 21 52 48 4A 40 52 49 21 42 49 4F 40 4B 42 53 54 42 41 49 21 52 48 49 4E 40 53 56 2D 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 4B 4D 4F 55 4B 4E 4F 43 4D 48 41 4B 44 49 45 4E 20 20 59 4E 4F 4F 4D 20 45 44 54 4F 41 52 20 41 41 43 4E 48 41 41 54 4E 41 2E 48 20 41 41 20 53 54 48 49 49 41 20 4E 4E 43 4F 48 20 41 4D 49 49 3F 5A 20 49 53 4B 4F 41 52 49 45 20 54 4B 4F 41 4D 57 4F 41 20 49 42 49 41 20 49 4E 43 45 48 43 49 4F 3F 2D 3F 43 20 48 20 41 20 4E 20 2E 20
The two first ones are decoded above in Maxim (simple +1/-1 offsets). The remaining ones I have them partly decoded but couldn't yet find a suitable ruleset to decode them 100%. |
Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 12:22 pm |
OMG!! While GG Aleste 3 is breathtaking, Doka-fli being GG micro exclusive is heartbreaking... Why...? Why are you so mean, M2? T_T |
Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 1:08 pm |
It seems like we should be able to record the full credits for a credits game... but my Japanese transcription ability is very bad. | |
Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 10:34 pm Last edited by Bock on Mon Jan 11, 2021 12:48 pm; edited 1 time in total |
They are long credits - credits for the whole GG White Micro & Aleste Collection projects, perhaps all to GG Micros in general.
I've typed the Japanese (MIGHT be some typos) and transcribed what I could. Proof readers would be good. ゲームギアミクロホワイト かいはつスタッフ Game Gear Micro White Development Staff ゆうげんがいしゃエムツー M2, Ltd. ディレクター こまばやし たかゆき と スリーキャッツ Director: Komabayashi Takayuki & Three Cats リードプログラマー いしくら しんたろう Lead Programmer: Ishikura Shintarou プログラマー いがらし ゆう Programmer: Igarashi Yuu プログラマー かすが たつひこ Programmer: Kasuga Tatsuhiko プログラマー はらしの まこと Programmer: Harashino Makoto プログラマー たかはし ともひろ Programmer: Takahashi Tomohiro プログラマー ふくい まさゆき Programmer: Fukui Masayuki リードデザイナ みしま よしみ トロきかく Lead Designer: Mishima Yoshimi (Toro Kikaku) デザイナ さとう けいいち Designer: Satou Keiichi デザイナ あしづか もりを トロきかく Designer: Ashizuka Moriwo (Toro Kikaku) デザイナ ふじい あみ トロきかく Designer: Fujii Ami Toro Kikaku GGA3イラスト たかやま きさい GGA3 Illustration: Takayama Kisai GGA3ごかくにん なみき まなぶ GGA3 Quality?: Namiki Manabu サウンド ミスターFBI Sound: Mister FBI サウンド チビテク Sound: Chibi-Tech サウンド くどう さくおき Sound: Kudou Sakuoki こうかおん ふじしま さとし フューパック Sound effect: Fujishima Satoshi (Fupac) きかくサポート ガーツなかまつ Planning Support: Gattsu? Nakamatsu ウシのでてくる ゲームは いいゲーム🐄 Games where a cow appears are nice🐄 ミニゲームきかく Cat Hui Mini game planning: Cat Hui ミニゲームうごきとおと ふじしま さとし フューパック Mini game movement & sound: Fujishima Satoshi (Fupac) ミニゲームえかき ぜるた 68K Mini game visuals: Zellta 68K ミニゲームおてつだい さくらい まさのり フューパック Mini game help: Sakurai Masanori (Fupac) キャリーくんさくが たかはし ごう Carry-Kun design: Takahashi Gou キャリーくんげんおん ナカシマ カズユキ Carry-Kun jingle: Nakashima Kazuyuki イラストもかいた じぇみに ひろの He even drew illustrations(?): Jemini Hirono グループウェアあらし かわにし たかゆき Groupware Arashi: Wakanishi Takayuki グループウェアあらし くぼた カズキ チームM2STG Groupware Arashi: Kubota Kazuki, Team M2STD グループウェアあらし こまばやし たかゆき Groupware Arashi: Komabayashi Takayuki てっぱんやき ふくしま じゅん Teppanyaki: Fukushima Jun つねにだいかんしゃ あべ てつや Always big thanks: Abe Tetsuya たすけてくれた しのだ のぶひさ Saved us: Shinoda Nobuhisa おえかき やまだつお かおるちゃんP Hand drawing: Yamada Tatsuo, Kaoru chan P アドバイスをくれた さくま あきら こいずみ だいすけ Give us advices Sakuma Akira Koizumi Daisuke プロデューサー ほりい なおき Producer: Horii Naoki うえとあいだをねらえば こうとくてんのちゃんす❢ If you aim in the upper part, you'll have a chance to score high! ありがとう かぶしきがいしゃセガ Thank you for Sega Corp: まつだ あいこ たかはし みつる Matsuda Aiko Takahashi Mitsuru かじ ともさ はっとり やすゆき Kaji Tomosa Hattori Yasuyuki やすだ とおる いまつ はるお Yasuda Tooru Imatsu Haruo さくた よしひろ やまぐち としき おおさわ ひろき Sakuta Yoshihiro Yamaguchi Toshiki Oozawa Hiroki やまなか ゆうき くりもと けんすけ Yamanaka Yuuki Kurimoto Kensuke いつも おせわになってます おくなり ようすけ Always grateful to: Okunari Yousuke (C)SEGA (C) M2 Co.,Ltd. See you again in new Aleste. |
Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 2:42 am |
Hello (English), good evening (Japanese) How are you, Miss? (Chinese). The "NECN" has short legs and is crying. Because the "CHATORAHA" dog came we went to the "kotatsu" (table with a heater under it). Its time for the "SINBALAM" Midnight male cat information radio station. The show is about to start, its going to be exciting. Well, please listen to this song first "3 cats [of] (chinese) xiao mo sho jian (chinese... I dont know that one)". The closest I can get with my Japanese friend who is not into video games. |
Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 11:58 am |
XIAOMOSHOJIAN isn’t valid pinyin. I guess it’s a name. | |
Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 5:58 pm |
Perhaps it's a slight typo of XIAOMOSHOUJIAN / 小魔兽剑 "little magic beast sword"? There's a manhua with a somewhat similar name...
Also I believe 最緊要好玩 is the name of a song from the 1980's. I have no idea whether this is just coincidence though This is amazing detective work you have been doing, and I've also been playing and enjoying the mini-game quite a bit |
Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 6:08 pm |
Also it's possible SINBALAM is 신바람 "excitement" | |
Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 6:52 pm |
The NECN probably stands for NECO its within the +/- and would make sense given the context. (the cipher may have been manually encoded with +1/-1 and therefore would have a few typos here and there) | |
Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2021 2:44 pm |
Just for information, whan an encoding has + or - some value they are probably encoded using XOR and not + and - ; dunno if this can be of any help. |
Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2021 4:36 pm |
We tried that... there’s evidence it was manually encoded and thus can have errors. | |
Cartridge and label
Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 10:26 am
- The winner of the high-score contest received a custom cartridge from M2 (pictured). Here's the tweet:
https://twitter.com/bantam65535/status/1355793338310426626 ゴールデンカートリッジ、 届いてます。ありがとうございます(マークⅢは買いました) #dokafli_score
- M2 sent me a lossless picture of the label with signing. I have added it to https://www.smspower.org/Games/Dokafli-SMS - M2 also sent me a cartridge for this (in black casing and signed). Will post pictures soon :) |
Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2023 10:14 am |
Would be really interested to pictures of that cartridge if you ever received a copy.
Very interesting thread. |
Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2023 8:54 pm |
I would also love to see cart scans if possible. I'm guessing hypothetically asking for the rom of this is a no-go, right? | |