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ROM patches to convert 3D games to 2D
Post Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 3:35 pm
I want to know whether it's possible and what bytes have to be changed in some 3D games' ROMs in order to convert them to 2D.The following games i need this are:

Space Harrier 3D
Out Run 3D
Zaxxon 3D
Blade Eagle 3D

I'm asking such thing cause I need to run the games in a emulator called "SonicBoy " (for Symbian Series 60 platform) that lacks both "3D fake" feature and pause button.That's why even Out Run 3D is between the games i need the patch.I'm not sure about Zaxxon 3D, cause i don't know what's the region the emulator runs as.

To short, I need this for all 3D games, but those that can only be played with Light Phaser gun i.e. Missile Defense 3D.If there's any other 3D game I forgot to include in the list above that also can be played with the Joystick, please consider it too.

I hope this kind of stuff is possible
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Post Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 6:13 pm
It might be. Most 3D games use a RAM variable to remember which side they're on, and it might be as simple as patching that to hold it on one side. Since, as ever, you're asking and have no capability to do any of the work yourself, I hope you can be patient.
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  • Joined: 15 Feb 2006
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Post Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 9:00 pm
Maxim wrote
It might be. Most 3D games use a RAM variable to remember which side they're on, and it might be as simple as patching that to hold it on one side. Since, as ever, you're asking and have no capability to do any of the work yourself, I hope you can be patient.
Sure i will.

Well, I could make some small hacks already, but finding this kind of 3D stuff using only a phone and a hex editor is almost impossible.I've posted this question here cause it's the best place i know to ask such things.
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Post Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2018 10:27 pm
Over the weekend I tried convincing Space Harrier 3D to always run in 2D mode — I don't have 3D glasses, and I also want to play it on a Game Gear which in any case lacks the connector for the 3D glasses (edit: and of course wiring a Game Gear to a CRT destroys its portability, and naturally the Game Gear screen would not work with 3D glasses in any case). I haven't played very far yet, but it seems to work. The patch is based on reading the PAR code from elsewhere on this site.

Apply to:
Space Harrier 3D (J) [!].sms
MD5 d8717eeb943c292c078429a0ed5a8527
SHA-1 7caf44ecc3de6daffedf7a494d449202888a6156
CRC-32 156948f9

The patch was created by dumping the cartridge using a Retrode2 and then replacing every sequence reading the flag:

LD A, ($C0D5)        ; 3A D5 C0

with a same-length sequence loading $01 — the XOR is just to keep the length unchanged:

XOR A        ; AF
LD A, $01        ; 3E 01

I did not bother to disassemble, I just used global search-and-replace on the corresponding byte sequences, so it's possible I broke it somehow without noticing.

edit: similar patch for Zaxxon 3-D (World).sms is attached.

Apply to:
Zaxxon 3-D (World).sms
MD5 882dc10b0792be579a745c3f38010642
SHA-1 257946fe8a230ac1308fc60a8ed43851cfe6b915
CRC-32 a3ef13cb

This one is likewise created without disassembly, based on the Action Replay code found elsewhere on this site

edit 2: someone else already patched Blade Eagle, although it requires a button combo on the title screen/attract mode to activate it

edit 3: more 3D-to-2D modifications are described in another topic, though not as IPS

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