SpritesSega Master System / Mark III / Game Gear |
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Counter - 5 98 dots | Indian - Falling 708 dots | Indian - 2 710 dots | Counter - 6 98 dots |
Indy - Whip-5 610 dots | Indy - Whip-4 837 dots | Timer Icon 81 dots | Counter 96 dots |
Counter - 2 98 dots | Roughrider 546 dots | Indy - 1 687 dots | Indy - 3 806 dots |
Indy - 4 694 dots | Pendulums 118 dots | Fireball - 3 112 dots | Indy - 7 731 dots |
See the main page for Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: The Action Game / Indiana Jones e a Última Cruzada