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Game for SC-3000
Version | Date | By | Download |
1.00 | 14 Aug 2020 | helmha, Sammy138 | Skyfox-SC-1.00.zip (411KB) |
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Here is my ported version of SKYFOX for the Sega SC-3000. The game was originally written for the MSX by Pasi Kettunen. It was published as a type-in listing in a Finnish computer magazine "MikroBitti" in 1989 issue #3. Game was written completely in machine code.
Ported version is 99% copy of the original, nothing removed, nothing added. Sounds aren't 100% identical due to differences in the sound chips between MSX and SC3000. Also fonts are different.
In the game you control Skyfox with joystick. Your job is to release the Tetrapalloids from solar panel labyrinths. Game gets quite hard quickly. My personal record is level 8, which I have reached only once.
Included you'll find ROM and tape versions (needs BASIC IIIB-cartridge) of the game. ROM is tested on several emulators and does work as intended. Tape version tested with MAME, Takeda SC-3000 and on real hardware. Confirmed to work.
Sami (Sammy138 here on SMS) made a physical copy of the tape-version with really awesome cover art, sticker, instructions pamphlet and tape casing. Contact him for a possible copy of it if interested.