Main Board front side Main Board back side Master Clock oscillator Main CPU & RAM VDP & I/O Controllers

Shown above is a French RGB Master System II, which was introduced in 1991. It uses the same board revision and clock crystal as the NTSC Master System II. The only differences are that the CXA1145 video encoder has been removed and the RF modulator has been swapped out with the 8-pin DIN connector seen on the model 1. Like the French model 1, it only outputs unamplified RGB and requires the "Adapteur R.V.B." cable for connection to a display. Contrary to other (non-RGB) PAL Master System II boards, this board has a 315-5216 I/O controller.

Also, jumper JP1 (VDP video frequency select) is set differently than the NTSC model. This particular example has a region switch installed though it was originally set to 50 Hz. Note that even though this model runs at 50 Hz, it will actually run slightly faster than other PAL models which use a 53.203424 MHz oscillator (divided by five to produce the VDP clock).

Board Number
Clock crystal frequency
10.7386 MHz
Zilog Z0840004PSC Z80
I/O Controller
Sega 315-5216
Main RAM
Sanyo LC3664AL-10
Sega 315-5246
2 x NEC D4168C-15-SG
Video Encoder
Sega MPR-12808 (US/European BIOS with Alex Kidd in Miracle World)
Manufacture Dates
1991 to 1993

Photos by Eke

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